The images show the quad mono LED PPM TM484 and the quad stereo LED PPM TM488.
The meters are connected to the console frame using 9-pin D-sub cables for each channel. The meter send connectors are always installed in the console. The input connectors are directly on the pcb's of the meter modules. The meter power supply is included with the console power supply unit. It is connected to the first meter in a meter frame and daisy-chained from meter to meter.
All input modules have two meter sends that can be configured on the module pcbs. Mono and inline modules can drive to meters. Meter 1 reads the d/a output while meter 2 reads the channel output. This default configuration can be changed by jumpers on the module. The possible configurations are described in detail on the module pages. It's up to you to use mono or stereo meters for mono and inline channels.
In addition, the master module and the conrol room monitor module provide outputs for external stereo meters that read the mix master output and the control room source. An additional meter that reads the PFL master is possible as well. Alternatively, the control room meter can be switched to PFL automatically.
Here is an overview on the meter modules with links to the module pages:
Single Meters vs Quad Meters
Single meters are best suited if only particular channels need to have the high-resolution meters installed. The stereo version TM482 is the best choice for master and control meters. The quad versions are less expensive than the single slot versions, since many circuits of the meter are not necessary per channel but per module with any number of meters.
Meter Frames
The meter frame are available at low prices, since the entire meter system is designed in a way that is does not require wiring, pcb's, and connector panels in the frame. All meters have matching connectors for the audio inputs installed directly on the pcb. The power supply is daisy chained from meter to meter.