Analogue Audio Association
Verein zur Erhaltung und Förderung der analogen Musikwiedergabe
Professional analog Broadcast Mixing Consoles
Multimedia Services
TXP Media offers professional multimedia services including CD/DVD replication, DVD/CD duplication, offset printing, website development and search engine optimization services in the markets of film, music, game and advertising industries worldwide.
Technology Solution for Business - Tabernae Technologies
Tabernae Technologies, a Customized Solution Web Site Designing Company provides Complete E Business Solution for Affordable Web Site Building, Internet Custom Software Development and Professional Benefit Services.
The ToolCon Live Console System
analogue consoles de mixage audio
What's the deal with Record Companies, anyway? Don't they want your songs? Learn more at RLCG, a site for songwriters, producers, and more.
Pro Audio analog - neue deutsche adt-audio Homepage
Want to know how to find a recording studio? Use your home studio? Get cool, free recording software?
Check out Audio Recording Center
Addicted to Songwriting offers great resources for songwriters, including tips, news, articles, and more.
If you write songs, visit this site.
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Rukhnet Online Web Directory
Internet Web Directory organized by category, offers content rich and well designed web sites. Submit URL and have your site listed within the Rukhnet Web Directory.
Planet Groove Productions
Produktion von Musik- und Sprachaufnahmen, Mastering, CD- und DVD-Herstellung
Pro Audio Information
Luzonic Mastering
Luzonic Mastering hat sich auf das professionelle Mischen und vor allem Mastern von Aufnahmen aller Art spezialisiert. Unser Engineer ist diplomierter Musiker und Tontechniker mit Schwerpunkt Mastering.
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