Dynamic Processors, Compressors, Limiters and Noise Gates
Beside special Dynamic Processors like the I93 Voice Compressor and the I94 Dynamics Processor with Compressor, Limiter and Noise Gate, there are standard Dynamic Units in Mono and Stereo, Noise Gates, brick-wall Limiters and an optical based Soft Compressor.
- I93
Voice Compressor
Compressor Limiter with Expander and special features for voice treatment
Mono Dynamics
the compact version of the transformer balanced Mic Pre
optical Compressor
the optical Compressor in a compact version with the same features
- I94
Dynamics Processor
Limiter, Compressos and Noise Gate Dynamics Processor Module
Stereo Dynamics
the compact version of the I47 discrete Microphone Amp
Brick-wall Limiter
the mono brick-wall Limiter in a compact 3U cassette
- I97
Dynamics Module
advanced Dynamics Module with
Compressor and Expander
Mono Peak Limiter
very Hi Z, compact DI Input Amplifer with Gain up to +36 dB
compact Gate
the compact Gate with Filter offers the same features as the 4U version
- I99
Noise Gate
fully features Noise Gate with filters and very fast attack time, full control for all parameters
Soft Compressor
compact Stereo Preamplifier for all kinds of line signals
RMS Compressor
the compact RMS Compressor and Expander is an universal dynamics module
- Download
Construction Kit
All Modules:
- 4U Cassette Modules:
- Mixing