The output section of the IO5-D/c inline channel makes it possible to use the module with two independent input signals that can both feed the main stereo mix bus. In addition, it is possible to assign the two signal chains of this inline channel to the routing matrix. Audio subgroups are possible in different ways.


Inline Module 5MT Series D

Stereo Master, Pan Pot's and Sub Groups

The main stereo master MIX is assinged to the tape chain. The input of the MIX PAN is driven by the tape chain fader output. Its output drives the stereo mix bus.

In addition, there is a second pan pot, the RT-PAN, that is driven by the output of the record chain fader.

Both Pan Pots are rotary controls with center detend. The center attenuation is 3 dB, which maintains are pure direction control that does not change the level.

While the mix pan is always in the signal path of the tape chain, the RT pan can be switched into the signal path from the record chain fader to the input of the routing matrix by the PAN switch, next to the pot. Since in most cases, the routing is used for mono recordings, the pan is only needed for a stereo recording. When active, it controls the level relation between the odd and the even routing busses.

It is possible to rout the output of the record chain fader to the mix bus. This very important feature makes it possible to use the channel for two independent input signals while mixing. The MIX switch routs the record fader to the main stereo bus. In differenc to the routing matrix, the RT-Pan is always active if the record fader feeds the mix bus.


The TO RTG (to Routing Matrix) switch next to the Mix Pan rerouts the output of the mix pan from the mix bus to the input of the routing matrix. This switch overrides the default signal flow from the output of the record chain fader to the routing matrix.

This function makes it possible to arrange audio sub groups on the fly without the need to consider the level relations and the pan settings. By pressing TO RTG, exactly the level that was sent to the mix bus now drives the input of the routing matrix. If a pair of routing busses is selected, that are not otherwise needed, these busses become a subgroup that mirrors level and pan settings exactly. This principle offers the choice to arrange any number of audio subgroups up to a maximum of 12 stereo at any time.

Sub Group Master Chains

Of course, an audio subgroups needs a master channel. The IO5-D/c inline modules offer the choice to use either the tape chain or the record chain of any channel as audio sub group master. While one of the chains is used as master, the other chain can still be used for another signal. The INP switch selects the output of the channel's routing bus amp as tape chain input signal. If SUB is pressed, the record chain becomes a sub group master. This method requires no patching but the channels of the selected routing busses must be used as master. In addition, it is possible to get the bus output signal from the patchbay. In this way, of course, any channel, including stereo channels or stereo returns of the master section can be used as subgroup master.

The audio subgroup system of the 5MT Series D mixing consoles is not limited to one level only. Since every subgroup master can be routed to another routing bus, it is possible to build up very complex grouping areas, from a simple one level only group to a system that can use up to 12 levels.

stand alone 1U high
Monitor Controller
Channel Strip Toolkit

5MT Series D
Mixing Consoles for Music Production
5MT Modules
5MT Input Channels
5MT Master Sections
5MT Meter
5MT Patch Bay
5MT Accessories

Input Section
Input Reverse
Processing Section
Filters and Insert
Split Equalizer
Fader Section
Fader Functions
Sub Groups
Aux Sends
VCA Group Option

Top Plate View
Module Photo

Input Output Section
Processing Section
EQ Split Section
Insert Section
Faders Section
Aux and Cue Sends


Block Diagram Fader

Top Plate high Resolution View