Control Elements
Stereo Mastering Compressor - ToolMod Pro Audio - TM222
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Compressor mit Envelope, Soft Knee und Crest

Control Elements Details and Specials
1 Threshold Control
regulation takes place with input levels above threshold
control range +18 dB to -24 dB
The Crest setting affects the behaviour of the ac/dc converter.

The Envelope Control can reduce the distortion of low frequency signals with short release time settings that is based on physical side effects. All frequencies below the scale setting of the envelope control are affected by this function.

Autogain is an analog computation circuitry that compensates the loss of gain caused by the setting of the compressor. The calculation is based on the settings of threshold, ratio and attack.

Side Chain Insert
The Side Chain Insert allows to integrate external equalizers and filters into the regulation loop of the compressor. These units can modify the frequency response of the regulation and therefore the entire behaviour of the compressor.

Like audio inputs and outputs, the side chain insert is electronically balanced and can handle levels of + 30 dBu.

2 Crest Selector, 6 position stepper switch
RMS - long integration time, RMS characteristics
Peak - short integration time, peak characteristics
M - medium integration time, compromize between peak and RMS
- see Details and Specials for more
3 Activates the side chain insert.
- see Details and Specials for more
4 LED indicator for Side Chain Insert
5 O/P to Side Chain
routs the side chain insert input to the main output. This function makes checking the setting of external eq's an filters a lot easier.
6 LED indicator for O/P to Side Chain
7 Disables the Autogain function
- see Details and Specials for more
8 LED indicator for Autogain Off
9 Envelope Control
improves the compression of low frequency signals
range 0 = Off to 120 Hz
- see Details and Specials for more
10 Attack control with range from .05 ms to 30 ms for 10 dB attenuation. Determines the response time of the regulation to an increase in level
11 Release control with range from 50 ms to 3 sec. Determines how fast the compressors reduces the attenuation when the input signal drops down.
12 Soft-Knee control with range from 0 dB to 12 dB. In the 0 dB position, the transition from the unregulated level range below threshold to the regulated range above threshold is hard. Any other position causes a soft knee characteristics, which means that the transition takes place over a level range that matches the setting of the control.
13 Fill mixes the uncompressed input signal to the compressed output signal. This function can cover unwanted side effects of hard compressor setting. The range is from off to - 4 dB.
14 LT-Int adds a second release component, that is calculated by a long time integration of the signals envelope. The control can add some variety to the compression. In addition it makes possible to reduce the release time setting without causing low frequency distortion if an appropriate setting is selected.
15 Ratio Control, adjust the compression ratio for signals above threshold.
control range 1:1 = no compression
2:1 = a signal of 10 dB above threshold is reduced to 5 dB
20 : 1 , quasi limiter operation, 10 dB above threshold is reduced to 0.5 dB
16 Gain control with calibrated center position and center detent, range > +/- 20 dB. The gain control affects the output level post compressor
17 LED chain with 10 LED's, displays the actual gain reduction
display range from 1 dB to 25 dB
18 Bypass switch
19 Bypass LED indicator